
Saturday, September 10, 2011

When it rains, it pours

Today is the beginning of a very busy 30 days for me.  Between today and October 9th, I have 8 weddings, 4 other special occasion orders, my Icing Smiles cake, 2 donation orders, and several bridal tastings.  I am sure I will be working late, and trying to squeeze in something with every free moment I have.  I am looking forward to doing some fun weddings though!  I have one wedding that is not only a cake, but a cookie buffet as well.  Another wedding is a cupcake do-it-yourself buffet done in a wine theme!  On the wedding cake side of things, I have a very cool cake that is incorporating snow leopard print and a Tiffany blue bow, a "outdoorsy" one with a textured buttercream, and one decorated with buttons!  Needless to say, I am trying my best to stay ahead of the curve by making extra buttercream, prepping boards and boxes, and starting early on those fondant decorations.

On top of that, my husband and are in the process of purchasing a home and having it ready for my parents to move down here.  While one may think buying a house doesn't require much time after you pick one, let me tell you that it is a lot different than it was several years ago.  Every financial document that you can imagine is required to be sent multiple times to multiple people.  Phone calls to contractors, Realtors, bankers, etc. need to be made and tracked.  Repairs need to be made and inspections need to be done.  It can make one's head spin!  But in the end it will all be worth it as my two little munchkins will have both sets of grandparents about 10 minutes from them!

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